As a teen, Tee Marie got her first job ever at the drug store in Houma. However, Tee Marie, not being too smart, had trouble finding the items customers would ask for. After several customers stormed out of the drug store without their merchandise, the druggist told Tee Marie, "Look, you are costing me too much business. The next customer that you don't sell something to will be the last straw. I'm going to have to let you go."
A few minutes later, in walked old Mr. Pfister, looking for something for a bad cough. Tee Marie looked and looked, but couldn't find the cough medicine, so, knowing this is her last chance to keep her job, sold Mr. Pfister some Ex-Lax, and told him to take the whole box at one time. Mr. Pfister's cough was so bad that he paid for the Ex-Lax, and took the whole box before leaving the store.
After he leaved, the druggist told Tee Marie, "Well, that's better. I see you finally sold something. What did that customer want?"
Tee Marie replied, "Well, he wanted some cough medicine, but I couldn't find it, so I sold him some Ex-Lax." The druggist screamed at Tee Marie, "Ex-Lax won't help his cough!"
Tee Marie answered, "Aw, yeh, it helped him! Look at him leaning on that post outside. He's afraid to cough!"
Feel The Heal
54 minutes ago