In the world of rodeo, the rodeo cowboys are the stars, and there is a set of fan girls that deliberately seek the cowboys for sex. These specialized groupies are referred to as "buckle bunnies."
Now, as an occasional participant in rodeos, Cowgirl Melinda was aware of these lewd fillies, and it annoyed her something else that a buckaroo would mistake her for one. No, she was the Real Deal: a honest working cowhand. And she was adept at roping, herding, and even taming a bronc, if needed. Melinda particularly liked the barrel races. She was not too keen on bull-riding, though. She was more adept at shooting the bull!
One day, she was nonplussed to find that a skinny young fella seemed to hang around where she was, and was making some nonsubtle hints as to what he wanted. And Melinda blushed. She was not that kind of cowgirl!
Melinda said, "Go away; you creep me out! If you don't go away, I'll hogtie you!" And there was something about the skinny fella's expression that told our cowgirl that she was on the wrong trail with that threat.
So she tried a different approach: "Look, Dude......Who ever heard of a male buckle bunny?"
But the young fella set her right. He said, "Now, consider this. A male rabbit is called a buck, and a female rabbit a doe. A bunny is a young rabbit of either gender. Like a male cat is a tom, and a female cat a queen, and a young 'un's a kitten. And a male dawg is a dog, and a female dog is a bitch, and a young one is a pup. Okay?"
Cowgirl Melinda thought about it a bit, and said, "Well, I'm not into sharing my bedroll with you or no one. But stop dressing like a sissy, and up your game some, and you might pass for a sex kitten of the male sorts. Or you can wear a set of bunny ears. But I won't make a rabbit of you!"
Ass Clown Special Award
15 hours ago
I wasn't aware that cowboys had groupies too!
Cowgirl Melinda could do better to satisfy her physical needs for sex.
It's nice to know that women can have groupies too.
This sounds like a girl's dream!
Buckle bunny? I learned a new term today.
Yes, they even hover around rodeo hands when they come East.
Sort of like the Baseball Annies that hover around minor league baseball teams.
I'll add "buckle bunny" to the list of terms I'm not likely to use.
Groupies are not just for rock musicians any more. Will there be accountant groupies some day?
Amusing post!
Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
So what is the male equivalent of a buckle bunny
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