In Cajun country we refer to real dumbasses as couyons. Looking at those reliable scenes as politics, journalism, and Hollywood, there's a lot of that going on nowadays.
Recently hunters in Norway shot a pair of moose. Kind of sad, isn't it, to see a pair of these regal animals downed so inauspiciously? Well, the story is more complicated and requiring a face palm. These moose were in a zoo! Neither the hunters nor their dogs were aware that they were now in protected territory. Something about the fence being down . . . .
Uff da! Will these intrepid hunters rest on their laurels; or try for moose with bigger racks? (Like some guys try to trade up on a different kind of rack!)
Well, I'm kind of cool about hunting. Subsistence hunting is still a necessity for a small number of people; but shooting exotic critters for the sake of downing one is a real couyon move! Like that Minnesota dentist that made the news because he shot a lion. Did he eat any lion meat? Did nearby tribes benefit from eating lionburgers?
Now I'm not going to do the ostrich bit, and pretend that I don't know where the hamburgers or andouille comes from. No way! But shooting critters for the pure hell of it is a couyon move!
Well, maybe an exception can be made for members of the genus rattus. (Like the brown (Norwegian) rat, or the black rat. But maybe not. What about the Sprague-Dawley strain of Norwegian rat? They're albino, and have an easy to handle disposition suitable for use in laboratories. New York has a rat problem; not surprising, because rats were unplanned beneficiaries of agriculture and humans staying in cities. They even employ rat-catchers; but a few become turncoats and some have even come back with war brides.
Lavatory Oratory
1 hour ago
It would be comic except fpr the moose.
Seeing a moose is a natural high. Killing one? Not so much.
Some rats in New York are as big as medium sized dogs which leads to the question, 'Who is hunting who'?
Love your cartoon! My hubby is a hunter, and we do process the meat from deer or pheasants, etc. Many folks hunt for the trophy rack to hang on the wall, and we do have a couple of those, but still have harvested the meat. I like hunting with a camera.
You expressed it beautifully, Angel!
ALOHA I'm SO glad to be back online!
i'm not a fan of trophy hunting - or trophy dating. :)
That was a very bad idea in all respects.
That was a true dumbass move!
Trophy dating??
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