I will cheerfully own up to being clueless about beers, except I know what I like. However, a nice beer label arouses my curiosity. Like, what does Clown Shoes Tramp Stamp beer taste like?

Just so it isn't like a Viking funeral!
Coconut porter is a new concept. Still, those are nice labels:
Chocolate beer is a hard sell; maybe a Sex Panther label would help:
I tried this. It's actually good!
What's a moose knuckle?
The slogan is a winning one:
It's a local beer; but it's good:
Bad Froggie! Your attitude reeks:
Not your average imported beer:
Not a good choice for timid guys with survival instincts:
Is this brewed in Jersey Shore? Does Snooki and JWoww drink this?
Apparently a Butterface is a local with bad hair and teeth:
Don't blame him if the neighborhood is bad:
Stay classy, y'all:
What would a monk's mistress drink?
Finally, this porter may have been named Sweet Baby Jesus! Porter because it has chocolate and peanut butter in it:
Here's to your health and good times! Drink sensibly!
I tend to pick wines based on the appeal of the label. If it has a castle or naked ladies on it, it must be good, right? And you should also try "Arrogant Bastard Ale" or "Old Fart Red" wine (tag line: "Be bold - go for the old!"). Salut!
yeah, no. :) neighbor of the beast made me laugh.
I wouldn't want to drink Panty Peeler but I would certainly buy it for that special other.
Bilbo, Arrogant Bastard Ale is a good one. Newcastle is superb, plus read the bottle caps.
TexWisGirl, me too!
Mike, it's brewed in Anchorage. :(
How nice to see the words "fat bottom" used in a positive way. I don't know what American red ale is, but if it doesn't contain blood or ketchup I might try it.
These labels crack me up, big time. The best one was the "polygamy" one...runner up, 668! So clever, I wish I thought of it. Maybe I can be 664.
Polygamy Porter is an okayish one, but Guinness Stout sets the bar high on that type! Panty Peeler is on my test list when I go back to Alaska!
I'm such a pollyanna purist - give me chocolate alone!
Dixie Beer Amber Light? That's a good idea!
I remember Falstaff and Regal; they were bad brews.
Arrogant Bastard Ale is great! I had a Tusker once.
I've had Tusker and Polygamy Porter. There are a multitude of unusual brew out there; you found a great bunch!
There is a lot to be said for Newcastle Ale. Jennifer likes a Red Stripe too.
I'm all about craft beers. With all of the micro-breweries, there are plenty of legal battles over names.
What FUN, Angel!
All pretty - but her face - get it?
Makers of peanut butter flavored porter must be some sort of pervert!
Butterface Amber is so funny!
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