The hirsute look is making a comeback on guys, after a long night since the late 1800's. Actually, the bearded look became really big during the Civil War; and sort of petered out in the early 1900's And definitely by the beginning of World War I.
From whence did this come? Is it a sign of the incipient rise of sectionalist strife; or did the price of razor blades reach critical mass? Or possibly there are a lot of latent hipsters out there that are lurking behind the camouflage of being accountants or attorneys? Or do hillbillies have a lot of secret admirers?
One reason that has not been raised much before is that some guys favor beards as a blatant sign promising virility on the part of the bewhiskered. In other words, "Have sex with me and I'll ring your chimes every time!" Now that can be as obvious as carrying a sign! And that might explain why lumberjacks are so popular.
And some Freudian might equate a shave of the whiskers as the guy equivalent to bikini waxing. Do the bearded also prefer the au naturel look for women too? Someone should look into this, because bikini waxing is darn painful! Now that's a 2017 quid pro quo for you!
In the meantime sports figures tend to grow whiskers in profusion. Even the Mariners and other also-ran teams.
Do you think that William Thomson, Lord Kelvin was sexy? You might be susceptible to the lure of the beard! Or perhaps the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics! Entropy, anyone?
Latin for the Uneducated
14 hours ago
Sometimes beards become the thing to do among a group of guys. The one time I played along it didn't turn out well. I have brown hair. The beard started coming in brown, black, red, grey and white. The experiment was over quickly.
A beard isn't a beard unless you grow it all over your body. :)
Just curious (bikini waxing aside) -- Do you have a preference to beards or clean shaven, Angel?
Beards are increasingly common among young men now not just baseball players.
"Entropy anyone?" Great line!
I've had beards most of my adult life. A beard is easier overall. I think that putting a razor at one's throat first thing in the morning isn't a good way to start the day. It's just hair; keep it clean and trimmed to your preference.
I think men should shave; ladies not. But that's just me.
Thanks for your thoughts, guys!
John, I prefer my guy to be clean-shaven. :-)
" Or do hillbillies have a lot of secret admirers?" LOL!
You are thoughtful, funny, and humane too! I just adore knowing you, Angel
It's not beyond the realm of possibility to admire hillbillies.
For decades I wore a goatee. I thought I looked best with that. But I finally had to shave it about a year and a half ago because my employer does not permit them. I could wear just a mustache if I want to, but for some reason, I believe I look ridiculous with just a stache. For me, it's a goatee or nuttin'.
On others, I do not care for the look of a full beard. And the beard sans a mustache looks completely idiotic to me. That's the worst. WTH?!
~ D-FensDogG
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