Now that we seem to be in a continuous cycle of politics all over the place, an unusual phenomenon has arisen: A- and B-list Hollywood actors and actresses endorse statewide political candidates and advocate specific interests for candidates who are not in their states or districts. This has been going on on the National level but now this mania for partisan politicians has crept into the more local levels as well. For example, several of these luminaries have been supporting a Democratic candidate for Congress in Georgia.
Is there not a certain amount of chutzpah in doing this sort of thing? But we're not talking about a humble class of people, on the whole.
Presently, this is largely centered around Congressional candidates. I can hope that this would not also work for state offices. I assume that the maintenance of the streets of Sore Toe, GA or a Georgia State Severance Tax on Hominy* or a bond issue for schools in Whittlemore County is best judged by the people who are going to be most affected. And these are probably not topics for cocktail party conversation in Beverly Hills! Indeed, do these stars ever go back to the states or communities that they recently tried to influence? I doubt whether Alyssa Milano eats hominy; nor would she be personally affected by it being taxed.
Suppose Georgians were to reciprocate election-wise? Would anyone find it strange if Atlanta lap dancers, or Dublin pest control people, or Valdosta peanut farmers were to go to Hollywood to affect elections there? Would they wear Atlanta Braves hats?
Indeed, do those Hollywood types even know what they're talking about? Do they get their expertise as part of their contracts? Any has anyone considered that their coming from outside to impact an election might earn resentment?
This is particularly true in the South, where they might be viewed as carpetbaggers.
Well, I will end this tirade with a story, in the approved Southern tradition. Back in 1994, Hollywood, Alabama (pop. about 1000) and ten other little Hollywoods successfully fought off Hollywood, CA's attempt to trademark its name and force the little Hollywoods to pay royalties to use the name also.** In fact, Hollywood, Alabama's founding antedated Hollywood, California's!
*Hominy is mined in Georgia. The Great Georgia Hominy Rush occurred in the 1830's.
**This is simply bullying by a big bucks city on the municipal playground.
6407 - PI day
4 hours ago
Those horrible talented folks who entertain us so much? Are they not entitled - like every other citizen - to share their opinions? To convince or amuse us? Instead of making convincing points themselves, some seem to think that demonizing other members of the conversation ("phony Press") (Hollywood liberals) is the whole game. Right now, a handful of red states have sent the USA back to 1959! And they tend to horrify - not amuse or entertain me like entertainment folk do.... (Governors waving off medicare funding for their neediest to make some ideological point - while pouring money over the already incredibly wealthy? FEH
Sounsa like another dim Southern twit's point of view!
Well, looks like you set a fire on someone's tail! I'm with you girl, we don't really care about their opinion, just because they have a soapbox to stand on.
So what is wrong with actors/actresses being involved and aware and trying to change things for the better? Stop mouthing off like a Trumpie!
Since I backed Bernie with a few bucks during the primaries, every Democrat that's running for anything on the national stage wants my money. Although I agree with them I can't fund the entire party. There are plenty of liberal billionaires that could step up to the plate to counteract the Koch brothers.
Aren't you lucky... you can count among your readers an actual resident of the Sixth Congressional District of Georgia, around which this whole brouhaha is centered?
I don't tell Hollywood what movies to make, and even if I did they wouldn't listen. I'll return the favor come election day. Frankly, the kid comes off as a condescending little snot, and even if I was a Democrat I wouldn't vote for him.
Pop Tart, you make the facile assumption that all points of view are equally important or significant. What merit do the views of lap dancers, bug sprayers, or peanut farmers in the scheme of things? I read that you're from New Orleans. You probably want to keep those awful Confederate monuments too.
Total crap!
Got your Southern panties in a knot?
Angel, I don't see your point of view as being out of line. You said it right!
Go, Cloudia!
Personally, I give very little credence to celebrity opinions.
Just because one is a famous actor, author, athlete, or whatever; doesn't give them any more knowledge about politics than someone who is a lap dancer, pest control person or peanut farmer.
I do understand why outside people tend to involve themselves in political races outside of their own states or districts. How a congressman or senator from Georgia votes does impact my life in southwest Missouri.
Most politicians raise money from donors outside of their states because of the national influence they will have, so it is fair that opponents from outside voice their opinions, as well. It is unfortunate that our entire political system has become a red vs blue battleground where people feel that their opinions are globally welcomed.
Ever hear of freedom of speech, honey?
What the south needs is for more Hollywood liberals to take politics there seriously and keep them from electing idiots like that Alabama governor. They need guidance and instruction in democracy,
Looks like your politically-themed blog bit ticked off a few people. Welcome to my world. Ha!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Ouch! Sorry you took so much abuse for having an opinion Angel! I was expressing mine - not attacking yours! You are MOST worthy of my vote ANYTIME!
The fact that you would give equal credence to bug sprayers and famous actresses speaks words about your viewpoint. Not everyone should have an opinion.
HW - "Not everyone should have an opinion."
So some views get insulted or shouted down? Where is this freedom of speech?
That's politics for you . . . :)
Great that you visited my blog and you are welcome any time. Like your's and will stop by and read some more . . . :)
Cheers . . . Eddie
>>... Anonymous New York Feminist said...
Get a brian, Bimbo!
Oh, the irony is just too rich!
There are many Brians. Too bad she didn't narrow it down by also providing a surname.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
It's strange that a simple opinion and some light humor should set off such a response. Live and let live, people!
It's disappointing to see such intolerance in an otherwise humorous site!
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