I confess -- after reticence on the matter -- I transgressed in my new-found zeal to be a fully-functioning citizen of this Republic. To make the matter worse, the choices were abysmal! Whoever you voted for made you wonder if it was a matter for confession or special education classes. Anyway, without going into the particulars of my politics, let me tell my story.
I was supporting one of the morons running for office; and to declare to all and sundry (like a typical 19-year-old), I wore a t-shirt proclaiming that fact. Okay, I saw drumming up support for my candidate as being a bonus in addition to a free shirt that could be worn in the future for ironic reasons.
However, I did not reckon with the Louisiana state election law forbidding electioneering.
It was toward the end of Election Day, and the polls were due to close. There was still a lot of people lined up; but no problem: they could vote as long as they joined the line before closing. One of the poll observers representing the opposed candidate to mine challenged my presence as long as a wore the offending t-shirt, and declared that I would have to leave and come back not electioneering.
The reality was this: It was five minutes before the poll was due to close, and my home was ten minutes' away. If I went home and changed, I could not get back in before closing. I pleaded, but no luck.
In desperation, I removed my tee, and voted minimally decent in my bra!
The remaining twenty minutes' worth of as-yet-to-vote citizens cheered at my commitment to suffrage, and many of them bumped knuckles with me while I tried to have my arms cover myself as demurely as I could. I decided that I should dial my feistiness a few notches in the future.
6396 - Saturday jokes
6 minutes ago
A really funny comedic tale. Even better if it was in R/L!
Were you wearing a bra?
It does seem like a silly law. Where does it fit in with free speech?
I hope you enjoyed voting! Good going. Did the guys like the show?
Anonymous: It was R/L. Trust me.
Duckbutt: Thank you!
bakku-shan: Fortunately.
Svejk: It is probably incompatible with free speech, but such is Louisiana party politics -- quite innocent of principle.
You could have gotten arrested for indecent exposure, you know!
Anemone: I had no complaints.
I wish I was there. I like your bikini pic. Why not repost a larger size?
Hell Hound: That's sweet of you, but I'll demur.
Brandi: Why is a demi-bra more revealing than a bikini top?
You should have charged an entertainment fee.
That was a shameless thing to do!
This is a classic!
Way to go, girl!
Who did you vote for?
A cute cartoon of the redhead. Are you a ginger too?
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