Here's a festive hair style for that ultimate in retro look! The mid-1960's beehive. Imagine wearing that one to teach in; or to wear to an academic department meeting! Living on the edge? Here's one for Sunday School. I'll bet that would look absolutely fine on Rodeo Drive or Fifth Avenue! But I'll pass. The Bardot twist was too high maintenance for me. This one also looks like hard work. Will the mussed up look ever pass?
My name is Angélique (or Angel). I'm a Cajun native of New Orleans, LA. I'm a
blonde in my learly 30's. I'm married and full-time stay at home mommy of a daughter. Politically, I'm independent, with contrarian leanings.
I still have some traces of my Cajun/Yat accent despite having been in the groves of academe.
I hope you won't mind my odd sense of humor.
That's some do! Probably won't fit in a sports car.
She could help save the bees by giving them a home.
Angel, what's your style of choice?
Mostly a pony tail. Easier maintenance.
High maintenance?
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