There is some serious stuff going on, and it's time to stop pussyfooting and get serious about it. This coronavirus is real, and should not be taken lightly. Yes, there is a broad range of symptoms that can occur, ranging from very unpleasant to life-threatening. And, presently, there is no vaccine. There may be one in the undetermined future; but right now all we can manage is a holding action.
Right now we don't know how many casualties will occur from it; but we should recognize that the loss of anyone's life is not acceptable. Because of this, all of us should take up the practice of social distancing. And hygiene. Scrub your hands. Wear disposable gloves. If you think you have symptoms, try to get tested. Lay a supply of provisions; but don't hoard. And profiteering from this crisis is beyond disgusting.
And, above all, start caring about our fellow man. And act with sense.
Now is the time to put our political and social differences behind us. These divide us at a time when we have long past our luxury of petty arguments. All of us are in this together; we may handle it if we're on the same page.
I regret to write that I have now enabled moderator control of comments. After nearly ten years I have to take this step. Sorry. I do value your thoughts -- but I do not want to provide an occasion for someone to indulge his sick fantasies. You know what I mean . . . .
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
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Pretty soon I may do comment moderation also. Just as I think Looney John has gotten some sense he spins back to his old ways. I'm on blogger enough that I can delete his posts pretty quickly. I've actually left some of his 'not bad' posts up hoping it would encourage him to calm down. So far it hasn't worked.
Spot on. We all need to work together. And be smart about it!
Too bad you have to moderate comments, but completely understandable.
Thanks for your post, Angel.
I hope you and your family are well.
As you know, I've been moderating comments since the beginning of my blog. It's not a big deal for you or your readers. You just need to check back more frequently (or not).
Be well, my blogging friend.
Mike, allwnwoodhaven, and John A. Hill, thank you for your kind support, here and before.
I'm sorry that you have encountered our idiot commenter. I'm going to start comment moderation, too. Hope you are well ... here in NoVa, we're hunkered down at home, with our daughter calling several times a day to make sure we don't go anywhere.
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