The rules of social discourse have become exceedingly complex; and this is accompanied by a hair-trigger mentality regarding taking offense. This results in the unaware stumbling into a loaded situation and causing problems.
Let's face it: Keeping up with being woke is hard work; and these is no handy-dandy clearinghouse enabling a person to learn to be cool or even inoffensive. Case in point: the "okay" sign.
How in hell did this wind up being a fascist or racist symbol? Did those clowns manage to get a patent on it because none had thought of doing so before?
Anyway, it would really be cool to have some web site to give us not terribly informed people pointers on what things we say or do might have antisocial meanings. It should be basic. There are people, like me, who are just plumb unwoke.
And also how about some tips on what is déclassé nowadays? a few years ago there was the movement to take down Confederate monuments in New Orleans. I opined that we should keep General Burreygard (how us Yats refer to General Beauregard) because he was a local figure. Anyway, I got a shit storm of negativity for that. So much for free thought. Yes, Ma'am, it was so.
Actually, I felt a little nostalgic about the statchoo: I remember Teen Angel receiving some heavy antipodal exploration while parked in a car in City Park with an up-close and personal view of Genl. B's horse's posterior!* So, in the desire for social harmony; why not a compromise? How about putting Genl. B. in the garage or some museum; but leaving his horse's statue in place? He's the cool one in the scene.
The same can be said for Andy Jackson's mount in the Place d'Armes (what some unwoke Orleanians call Jackson Square). Oh well; it looks good against the background of St. Louis Basilica.
Right now there's a surfeit of horse's asses in Washington. But that's to be expected, with all at politics going on. It's the local vice there. But those Washingtonians did get one thing very right: they came on like champions supporting the Washington Nationals during the MLB playoffs! OMG! That sea of red towels waving looked like the Alabama stadium during a football game! Lookin' good, Washingtonians!
Alive And Drunk
51 minutes ago
The Nationals played amazingly well. I would not have predicted that they would win the AL pennant!
Interesting that there was an unknown time capsule inside the base.
Fine commentary!
Heavy antipodal exploration = getting felt up?
Did he pull your panties down Angel?
The first time I was fingered transported me into an ocean of delight.
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