Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Crass Bumper Sticker

While innocently driving on I - 10 (if that can be loosely accepted), I saw one of the more tasteless bumper stickers to ever grace a vehicle. Later, I googled it; and found a surfeit of examples of this genre:

Now, in some benighted universe, if I should happen to be a passenger in a car with this sticker, I would display a sign:

                    I bought gas!                    


  1. I've never seen this sticker before. But google image search comes up with zillions of them. I found this site too if you have more people to insult...

  2. I've also seen patches for motorcycle jacket/vests that say the same.
    Yeah, it's pretty crude.

  3. First saw this in the 70s when hitchhiking was much more common.

  4. That one is pretty raw! Bad news for hitchhikers.
