Monday, September 17, 2018

Boudreaux Gets Called for Jury Duty

Boudreaux had received a summons to appear for jury duty.

The judge was doing his preliminary interview of the prospective jurors, and asked them, "Is there any reason any of you could not serve as a juror in this case?"

Boudreaux raised his hand and when the judge acknowledged him said, " Mais, I can't serve, Judge. I don't want to be away from my job dat long."

The judge asked him, "Can't they do without you at work?"

Boudreaux answered, "Yeh, Judge, dey can do without me, but I jus' don't wants dem to know it."


  1. HA! Too true of too many people! I think when Bilbo gets here he will specifically point out congress.

  2. Few people delight in serving on a jury.

    Locally, you get $10 per diem.

  3. I'll have to remember that one if I'm called for jury duty.

  4. I have sat on several juries and always found this part of civic duty to be fascinating.
