Monday, September 24, 2018

A Cajun Blonde Joke

Two brunettes (Clotilde and Marie) and a blonde (Suzette) went to a bar to get themselves a drink.

Clotilde went up to the bar and asked the bartender, " Fix me an R.W." He asks, "What's an R.W.?"

Clotilde said, "Mais chere, dats red wine."

So Marie decided to got herself a drink and asked the bartender, "Fix me a W.W."

The bartender answers, "White Wine?"

She said, "Mais yeah, dats right."

Suzette (the blonde) asked the bartender for a 15.

He replied, "What's a 15?"

She said, "Mais chere, don't be silly. Dat's 7 and 7 of course."