Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Stage Fright and Other Horrible Situations

A few years ago, some budding researchers did a questionnaire asking young university women to rank and label hypothetical horrible situations that might be encountered in everyday settings.  Nothing Earth-shattering horrible, just situations you wished had never come up.

Here are these hypothetical situations:

Naturally, the usual disclaimers should be made: these results are based on an age-limited sample, probably geographically overrepresented, and respondents being highly prone to worry about how they are perceived. Actually, most of the respondents make the assumption that other people are paying strong attention to their doings, which is usually not the case. In fact, people can pass relatively unnoticed if they don't act flustered, make rapid movements, or give themselves away. Inconspicuousness is your friend in those circumstances.

So, fart proudly. Don't feel self-conscious during the Walk of Shame. No one is really looking. Unless you look obviously disheveled. Then fake it!


  1. I have a great dislike of public speaking. I don't think it's fear. I just don't like to draw attention to myself.

  2. I have done all of these but my toots are not in yoga since I don't do yoga. It happens when i just bend down to pick something up!

  3. "In fact, people can pass relatively unnoticed if they don't act flustered, make rapid movements, or give themselves away. Inconspicuousness is your friend in those circumstances."
    sound advice, Dr. Angel

  4. My big fear is farting while making a speech, for which I was late, about the Walk of Shame, and being caught in a lie. Losing the bikini top, not so much.

  5. None of these fears apply to Congress.
    They love the lime light, proudly acknowledge their shameful acts, spew so much crap from their mouths that farts are a moment fresh air by comparison, believe the alternative facts they use, and don't do any work even if they do show up on time.

    The white male dominated club may fear their wives finding someone's lost bikini top in their luggage after a "business trip" but ... maybe not.

  6. Public speaking can make me feel very nervous when I think about it, so I try not to think of it. I probably do best when I'm just thrust onto the stage without having to build up too much worry. Most of the time I'd just rather be home.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  7. Inconspicuousness is often a friend. Good post!

  8. Farting proudly is something nasty boys do. The only way of keeping your dignity is to say "I'm afraid I'm going to break wind" before you do it.

  9. Farting proudly is something nasty boys do. The only way of keeping your dignity is to say "I'm afraid I'm going to break wind" before you do it.
