Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Typeface Confession

Many years ago, I joined three MSN Groups back when MSN did that groups sort of thing. They were Losers, Odd People, and the Brotherhood of Dorks. As you might guess, I was a tween then. I found those groups to be more civil than the old spontaneous chat rooms on AOL.* You could post something under your own pseudonym. (I chose eViL pOp TaRt!) And your own type color. I chose pink, but redder than this one. And Comic Sans MS. He is a sample of it that I had used in this blog. Like a lipstick color I used to use.

Now for some reason or other, Comic Sans is considered disreputable.

I think that it is a good time to rehabilitate Comic Sans. Strike off the chains of convention! Let's have Comic Sans Typeface Liberation! Open up to the possibility of variety.

Down with oppressive rules regarding typeface! We have nothing to lose but our chains! And we should have a more festive typeface if we want to! And more variety! I don't want to be in an all-Times New Roman world.

*Talk about going where I shouldn't!!! Parental controls did have a place back then when I was that age.


  1. Comic Sans is a perky typeface. But not for business letters.

  2. I've seen people bashing comic sans. I don't know why. It's perfectly readable text.

  3. Comic Sans is easy to read. Some people are overly critical about things.

  4. These typeface preferences are the narcissism of minor difference.

  5. Types are silly to quibble over and set rigid rules.

  6. You're an absolute ... font ... of interesting ideas and stories!

  7. I don't want to be in an all-Times New Roman world EITHER!!!

    I am on-board with your crusade! (Notice the odd symbols and foreign letters I use as design elements on my blog? I'm still wondering if someone will comment on that. LOL.)

    Another worthwhile romp, dear Angel

  8. COMIC SANS is one of my very favorite fonts. Probably my second choice. It has a happy look. My #1 choice, however, is VERDANA, just because it's spacious and so easy to read.

    ~ D-FensDogG
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