Friday, May 20, 2016

"Seig Heil" Dog

A little item appeared in Metro, a British "news" source, recently which related that a man was arrested for 'causing offence' for having taught his girlfriend's pug dog Buddha to give a Nazi salute when commanded "Seig heil." This was posted on You Tube, and got over a million views. Admittedly, the guy doing it was a douche move; but is that really something to arrest him for? 

I think a better case could be made for his gross tats and piercings 'causing offence'; but I'm not English. Indeed, I wonder how rarified is the social environment there so that that sort of thing causes offense? Are there other traps an unsuspected tourist or local might fall into? It's not like teaching him to pee on the sofa.

Anyway, it was a pretty lame way to annoy his girlfriend.Here's Donald Duck, also seig heiling all over the place:

Are some people possibly getting a wee bit too thin-skinned nowadays; or is this just another opportunity for some people to wax indignant! 

Over there in Merrie England, would I cause offence for spelling it offense?


  1. LOL. You raise some interesting questions. Always a worthwhile visit, Angel. And thanks so much for your comments today! Appreciated :)

  2. I can see why the British might be a little touchy about Hitler.

  3. So the dog does it on command......just don't command him!

  4. Everything makes everybody mad every day. It wears me out. So much for freedom of speech...but hey, I don't want that pup "Seig heilin'" me, either, ha ha.

  5. That Donald Duck is an amazing find. What a relic of another time.
    Yet another interesting post. Keep them coming!

  6. "Der Fuehrer's Face" was performed by Spike Jones and his City Slickers during World War II, and reportedly so enraged Hitler that he put a bounty on Jones' head. Some people just can't take a joke.

  7. i'd hate it if my dog was trained to do that.

  8. Not all of us believe that "bigger is better". Sometimes one can appreciate smaller more because it's rarer. I mean, think about it: If everyone had two giant diamonds, what would they be worth?

    That's only a partially "developed" analogy but (as Waylon sang) "I don't explain if you don't understand".

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  9. Although I never understood Donald Duck, that was a great satire even with all the stereotypes. The young guy teaching the dog, I think, is just an idiot who has no idea about the significance of something like this. This isn't satire but one he thinks is just funny but I bet, many Jewish people and German people have a hard time finding that funny...poor dog has no clue
