Saturday, May 21, 2016

"Bob Wills Is Still the King" BOTB Results

At last! All of the votes from the outlying precincts are in, and America awaits the final tally. Who won this version of Battle of the Bands? Was it the artist who performed the original, Waylon Jennings; or was it those upstarts from England, The Rolling Stones?

The envelope, please......

The final tally has it with:

The Rolling Stones, with 14 votes,

Waylon Jennings, with 9 votes,  

and a special write-in vote for Merle Haggard.

Take a bow, Sir Mick!

And be a dear and check out other BOTB results:


  1. A pale imitation beats the original Outlaw. It ain't right. I want a list of names and addresses. Rocco's gonna have to pay some visits.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  2. I liked the Stones somewhat... glad they won!

  3. I should have said, "Ahhhh, satisfaction"!

  4. I guess I'm somewhat surprised by this outcome though I did vote for the winning Stones' recording.

    My results will be up tomorrow (Mon May 23rd).

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  5. I voted for The Stones, but am surprised they won. Interesting battle!

  6. Wow! I think this is a surprising outcome. Great job in putting this battle together, even if my pick did not win.
