Tuesday, December 26, 2017

For Veterans of the War on Christmas

Apparently, the War on Christmas as reported on Fox is subsiding for another year. It's time for the vets of this conflict to come home, have a parade down Main Street, and be awarded medals.

And, naturally, they can duly cite their service if they run for public office.


  1. I may try hibernating next year.

  2. Excellent! Hope your Christmas was merry.

  3. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will enjoy the rest of your winter break. Many blessings in the coming year, Angel!

  4. The blog post I've already written for tomorrow (December 28th) is a much more pointed and angry screed about the imaginary War on Christmas. I think I like yours better, and I wish I'd had the idea. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Angel! You rock!
