Friday, December 29, 2017

A Demoralizing Form of Clickbait

Life can be hard at times; and most of us are not Home on the Range. We get discouraging words. Sometimes they're in the guise of what seems to be wise advice. But there's a cost. This so-called advice makes us question ourselves and doubt unnecessarily.

There's the point: There is a cheap and easy approach to writing an internet article: Compile an arbitrary list of things that people of a specific age (usually 30 or 40) should not wear or do. And be as bitchy as possible about it!

The moral for waste of time articles is: 'If it is bitchy, they will read it.'

Choices of women's clothes or accessories are often taken to task in these articles. Here's the usual suspects: yoga pants, miniskirts, bikinis, Uggs, F-M shoes, knee socks, scrunchies, large hoop earrings. and the like. Here's a representative list of fashion no-nos for women over thirty.  But guys are not immune: here's an article about what guys over 30 should not wear. These articles are simply subjective opinions; there is no hard and fast real life rule.

Well, guys: you might not emulate Johnny Depp in your sartorial choices.

But in general, I'll channel the Second Amendment purists on this one: They can take away my scrunchie when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.


  1. Those are just junk articles.

  2. I. . . . . . Food for thought on so many levels, Angel! Thanks Honey

  3. From the article - "I don't know at what age it is acceptable to let your booty hang out."
    All ages. And 10 votes for mini skirts and short dresses.

    I wear cross trainer shoes every day. They're the only shoes I've got.

  4. I don't pay no attention to them frickin' lists.

  5. Yes, dress as one wants. Hopefully relatively clean and weather appropriate...

  6. One should dress as one likes ... but one should also consider the overall effect, which may not be what one imagines!

  7. My mom's thoughts on dresses and mini skirts has always been that women's clothing should be like a good speech -- long enough to cover the subject and short enough to be interesting.

    She never had much advice for us boys, but we never had much choice, either -- jeans and t-shirts were the only options.

  8. So what's so wrong with scrunchies?

  9. What are F-M shoes?
