Saturday, August 12, 2017

"What a Woman in Love Won't Do" - Country Music Surprise

This song by a country singer named Sandy Posey had an unexpected twist in the lyrics by John D. Loudermilk. Sometime back in the 1970's country music departed from its rural roots and took on more real to life themes. This singer started her career with a "poor is me" song entitled "Born a Woman" exhuding incredible bathos and apparently got more philosophic about it all. There are, after all, many ways to cope when you want to.

I hope you enjoy this departure from my usual japes, humor, and commentary.  Please leave some comments, if you please!


  1. I simply adore the fact that you used the word bathos, and Well!

  2. I had to look up the word bathos.

    As far as the song goes I liked the fact that it was a country song with no steel guitar. And I liked the trombone hitting the low note.

  3. That one is a certifiably oldie! Never heard it before.

  4. Interesting one indeed, thanks for sharing and greetings!

  5. Dreary dreck, like all country music.
