Monday, July 31, 2017

Voir les Anges

The French language has a few poetic expressions for le petit mort.  One is voir les anges (to see angels)Has any other language described an orgasm so charmingly?

How about some facts about orgasms?

1)  The typical female orgasm lasts for about 6 to 10 seconds.  Some lucky ladies' may last as long as 20 seconds!
2)  "J'ai un mal a la tête"/"I have a headache."  Actually, having an orgasm may cure a headache for about 48% of women.
3)  About 47% of women take matters into their own hands to have their first orgasm.
4)  About 1% of women can orgasm from breast stimulation alone. So much for second base.
5)  About 70% of women faked an orgasm.  They are good potential actresses.
6)  When men orgasm, their brains release chemicals that make them feel sleepy.
7)  Women who have two or more orgasms per week may live longer.  And live well!
8)  Some women faint when they have orgasms.
9)  Pigs can have orgasms that last 15 minutes or more.  Now that's making bacon with style!


  1. The French have a way with words.

  2. Not sure I agree with the 6-10 seconnds, I think longer.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement, Angel!

  4. Thanks for the info, Angel.
    My you have a long and enjoyable life!

  5. Do you think my wife will notice the stopwatch hanging around my neck?

  6. Is duration related to quality of orgasm?

  7. Soft core angel?

  8. There is never a bad orgasm.

  9. Thank you for your comments, my friends!

  10. I used to know about that stuff ...

  11. The french do have a way with words and kisses apparently. Great and interesting facts, thanks for sharing!

  12. The petit mort idea might be closer to the male orgasm when you think of the strangulation accidents that befell David Carridine and others. I don't know of any women who wanked themselves to death.
