Saturday, April 8, 2017

Very Effective Cure

Father Thibodeaux was making his weekly patient visits to the hospital. As he walked down the hallway, he spotted Sister Bernadette coming toward him, lickety-split, saying her rosary fast and loud. 

She ran past him without saying a word. Father Thibodeaux continues down the hall and saw Doctor Boudreaux coming around the corner. He asks, "Doc Boudreaux, what's the matter with Sister Bernadette? She jus' passed by me goin' to beat de band, and saying her rosary fast and loud." 

Doctor Boudreaux tells him, "I just told her she's pregnant." 

Father Thibodeaux asked, "Oh, no! Is she really?" 

Doc Boudreaux said, "No, of course not. But I sure cured her hiccups!"