Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Some Alternatives to the "Walk of Shame"

The popular term, "Walk of Shame," While in use since Lord-knows-when, does convey the implication that the performer had somehow did something shameful, something that one should be embarrassed with. After all, it does lead to a furtherance of the human race and most of us try it and like it. And mores have shifted away from  the 'oldrules' of the past. But that's a more!

Why not use some affirming concept to designate this early- to mid-morning trip home instead?

And why not have each and all give the walker a fist bump or high five?

Get real, people! Stop playing hypocrite! If you think it's okay, then don't be coy the next day.

In the interest of terminological accuracy, here are some alternatives to the "Walk of Shame":

1. Stride of Pride

2. Just got Laid Parade

3. Traipse of Triumph

4. Slut Strut

5. Post-Coitus Catwalk

6. Morning Cooldown After Cardio

7. Victory Lap

8. Personal Parade

9. After-Sex Saunter

10. Morning Mosey

11. Strut of Success

And dress in what you wore the night before! Carrying your heels is okay on the morning afterward.


  1. Love your whole sex positive vibe here, Angel! And your list is rollicking. Your usual seemingly casual but educated work. Conversational. You are an excellent vulgarisatrice

  2. It's nice to be candid about it: sex is fun. It's not dirty, unless it's done in the sandbox. Why not admit that screwing is a really great thing!

  3. Love your writing, Angel.
    If sex is purposeful and for enjoyment there is no need for shame.

  4. Always fun to read your blog, my friend. I've been missing in action for a while, so hope to visit again soon.

    Linda Kay

  5. The expression 'walk of shame' seemed to be so cutesy or twee.

  6. It's pretty shameful not to get a lift home though - it's the least a woman deserves after letting a man into her pants.

  7. On a different subject, I got you "Hollywood Thinking" post in my RSS feed and liked it, but I see you've taken it down...

  8. How about an 'I got laid' t-shirt for the next morning?

  9. I think the expression is most being for cuteness' sake. Here in North Alabama early in the A.M. there are couples appearing at the Waffle House without shame. There's no big thing if young adults look like they had been recently intimate. Well, maybe envy.

    Gorilla Bananas has a good, important point. A gentleman takes her home afterward! Just cause. Not to avoid her being shamed.

  10. I would wear a "I got laid" t-shirt.

  11. When you had it, flaunt it.

  12. I'm glad you exposed that old expression for what it is. There's too many old-fashioned inhibitions still around.

  13. Is it a walk of shame if no one feels any shame?

  14. I had that experience once, and it was humiliating to come home barefoot and without my bra! Never again.

  15. Thank you, dear readers for reading and commenting. The post-coital experience seems not to be marked by shame or regrets by most. Gorilla Bananas does make a point: a nice person would give her a lift home or get a taxi. But maybe things are different in urban areas.

    Part of the 'Walk of Shame' experience may come from some people feeling conspicuous, thinking other people notice very carefully what others are wearing. In face, unless your nipples protrude through your clothes.

    Anonymous, I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience.

  16. I prefer to call it a Victory Lap.

    And have you never deliberately showed pokies, Angelique? It's a 100% certain way of getting attention. And it can lead to increased tips.
