Saturday, April 29, 2017

Moon Pie Anniversary

Today is the 100th Anniversary of that delectable confection, the Moon Pie. They come in chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and banana.

Have a Moon Pie and a RC today.


  1. Oh my! It has been some time since I've had a Moon Pie!
    Enjoy yours today, Angel!

  2. Thanks for this timely cultural reminder! A welcome respite from the shall we say "news"

  3. I never really got into Moon Pies although I would never turn one down.

  4. Oh, my, I can almost taste the sugar high from that moon pie.

  5. Those are good! Haven't been south in a long time.

  6. I lived in Louisiana for five years, and have lived in Virginia for more than thirty, and never did like Moon Pies. Sorry.

  7. I've never had moon pie but I have tasted RC, too long ago to remember the taste. Is it similar to coke and pepsi?

  8. How ironic. Don't see Moon Pies here in Los Angeles, but I used to buy them often when I lived in TN. This past Saturday though we were in Walmart and they had a display of Mini-Moon Pies. Of course I bought a box! I really prefer the full size pies, but it was a nostalgic treat to have some on hand. I had mine with milk though. I don't recall seeing RC Cola here in L.A. either.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out
