Friday, March 31, 2017

Boudreaux and the Blonde

One day Boudreaux walked out to the dock, only to find a beautiful blonde woman, standing there, crying. 

He said, "Mais cher, what's wrong?" She said, "I don't have anything to live for. I'm gonna throw myself into the water and kill myself." 

Boudreaux said, "Oh, don' do dat. You're a beautiful woman and you have plenty to live for, Tell you what. I'm gettin' ready to get on dis boat and go to Europe. I'll sneak you on and will take care of you and we can be happy together." 

So, Boudreaux snuck his stowaway on board, and hid her in a lifeboat. For weeks, every day he would take her three square meals, making sure she was taken care of, and every night he would slip into the lifeboat with her and they would make mad passionate love. 

One day, the Captain discovered the woman, and asked her what she was doing there. She answered, "One of your crew members, a wonderful man, has been taking care of me, feeding me, and making love to me and he's taking me to Europe with him on this boat. 

The Captain replied, "Cher, I'm sorry to tell you, but this is the Algiers ferry."