Friday, June 24, 2016

The "Ugliest Color" in a Fashion Statement

Recent research has revealed that Pantone 448 C (opaque couché) has been rated by over 1,000 people as the world's ugliest color. Here's a color square of this much-maligned color from which you may draw your own conclusions:

To me, the color does resemble that of cat poop; hardly one to paint a bedroom in; but maybe a cell for ISIS terrorists or serious masochists. 

Given those kinds of associations, it it surprising that opaque couché can serve as a fashion statement:

Risk-taking and edginess have always been in the world of couture; but this is certainly a bold move! Wearing red or yellow is regarded as a bold statement, not without risks. But the woman who wears an opaque couché garment radiates a confident message: "I'm so beautiful and charismatic that I can dare to wear a dress that is the color of cat or baby poop!"


  1. How about you, Angel?
    Bold enough to feel comfortable in any color?

  2. The dress works because of simplicity and elegance of design. It flatters her figure. But it would worked better in just about any color! Red would be a bold statement. Baby blue, not so much.

  3. It's funny how different people react to certain colors. I would not have thought about it being poop color. I will now.

  4. laughing. but with a body like that, it still works. :)

  5. She could get away with wearing anything.

  6. Yes...I immediately though of cat ca-ca. This is an ugly colour and I have seen it on someone's walls was gross as I felt I was being wrapped up in one big dirty diaper

  7. It looks more like the colour of gorilla poop to me, but I don't know what you guys are feeding your cats. Elephant poop is worse in my view.
