Sunday, May 15, 2016

"Bob Wills Is Still the King" - BOTB

For this Battle of the Bands I'd like to use a tribute song: "Bob Wills Is Still the King." Bob Wills, active during the 1940's and 1950's, developed a music style called Western Swing, combining country with jazz renditions. He did represent a departure from the music of his time.

Anyway, Waylon Jennings did the original version of "Bob Wills Is Still the King" back in 1975. Jennings was part of the Outlaw Country music style, along with Willie Nelson, Jessi Colter, Tompall Glaser, and others. Here's the Jennings rendition:

Who would dare to cover this almost legendary song? None other than those singing grandfathers, the Rolling Stones, during a musical tour that appeared in Austin:

There you have it. If you're in the mood, listen to both and vote which one better rings your chimes:

Waylon Jennings ________

The Rolling Stones ________

And over the next few days, visit and vote on other BOTB participants. You will hear some great songs! You betcha!


My apologies if I left anyone out!


  1. I don't think the Stones did anything better or different with it. Not a country fan, but Jennings' version was better.

  2. I thought Elvis was the king.

    Well, I'm a huge, major (Five-Star General?) fan of Waylon Jennings. One of my very, very favorites whom I saw perform live 4 times. Can't recall now whether he played this one at any of the shows, but he DID play 'How Much Is It Worth To Live In L.A.?' in L.A. Ha!

    I've always liked this song, but Bob Wills, the King of Western Swing? Yeah, maybe. But I loves me some Sons Of The Pioneers and they knew how to swing, too.

    Vote WAYLON, of course. But I gotta give The Stones some credit for appreciating Waylon and this song. Never could've imagined them doing THIS one. 'I've Always Been Crazy' maybe, but not 'Bob Wills Is Still The King'.

    Interesting match-up, POP TART.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  3. Absolutely STONES! Yep, not much of a country fan here, so maybe that explains it... But I loved-loved-loved the Stones version. Not to say the Waylon one was bad or anything; I did like it. I just liked the Stones' better :)

    Great battle!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

  4. This is kind of a tough one. Old Waylon is a tough guy to beat on his own turf. The Stones are great.

    The will be sacrilege to some, but I'm going with the Rolling Stones. They kicked up the tempo a notch and that improved things for me. And, well, I like the Stones.

    That's my vote--The Rolling Stones.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  5. It surprised me that I liked the Rolling Stones version but I'm giving my vote to Waylon. No one can do it like the Waylon! Such a good song. Especially because I'm in Austin... :)

    Good battle.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  6. Um.... MERLE!!!!! His tribute to Bob and the Texas Playboys runs on a loop in certain parts of my memory...

  7. EPT!! What a song choice - gotta love this one!!
    I'm okay with Waylon and the country stuff, but honestly I found myself really tickled by the Stones' version.

    I vote Stones... rolling on!

  8. I'm not a huge country fan but do like some of Waylon Jennings' stuff, especially with The Outlaws. The Rolling Stones did dabble in country music. I've never heard this one before, though. I'm choosing them; the element of surprise. :)

  9. Being a fan of both the Stones and Waylon, I can appreciate this match up. I love what Mick and the gang did with the song, so I'm going to give my vote to the Stones. Great battle!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  10. I see the Stones coming out on top in this one; but the Jennings version is good too.

  11. A hat tip to the Stones for bringing this to their Austin stop on the tour, but my vote still goes to the Outlaw, Waylon Jennings.

  12. Oh, my...definitely Waylon Jennings....Mick needs to stick with Rock.

  13. I vote for the Stones because even though they still sounded a bit too country for me, they added their tiny bit of blues somewhere deep down so they get my vote:)

  14. The Stones version seemed to engage the listener more, so it gets my vote.

  15. Well it's no contest for me. You can't expect Mick to sing country as well as Waylon Jennings. If the Stones did a version of the 'Dukes of Hazzard' theme, I might listen to it for laughs.

  16. I'm not a fan of twangy country music, so I vote for the Stones. I think they did quite a good job with goin' country.


  17. Waylon Jennings for the win.
    I like his style in the song.
    Rolling Stones did a great job, it was a good performance. Just not as great as Waylon.

  18. Jennings gets my vote, but I loved the Stones version which reminded me of a lot of their country twinged vintage songs.

  19. I appreciate those grandpas (yeah, I'm talking about The Rolling Stones) trying to catch up to what's hip before they die and all, but I'm afraid that they missed the boat. Poor Mick's voice took a vacation to Mexico or Bali or Tahiti or somewhere about ten years ago... and it hasn't been seen since. And that leaves Waylon the king of this song. All hail king Waylon.

  20. I'd give it to the Stones IF they could pull it off, but Waylon Jennings clobbered them on this one. Nice choice of battlers, Poptart.

  21. I'd give it to the Stones IF they could pull it off, but Waylon Jennings clobbered them on this one. Nice choice of battlers, Poptart.
