Friday, April 15, 2016

"Sweet Susannah" -- Battle of the Bands

The song today is a Cajun one metamorphized into different modalities: "Sweet Susannah." tells a tale about a woman who was not immune from the wiles of a traveling salesman. They can be persuasive, you know!

Well, let's start off with the Clint West version (1972). You can listen to this and read the accompanied lyrics (the French refrain translated into English) that gives a sense of a typical Cajun song. [Kind of a modern version of the Jolie Blonde theme. By the way, I'm a Cajun from Louisiana.}

Here's the Clint West version, with lyrics as well as song accessed by the link below:

Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge did this song as a duet:

Lastly, the Flying Burrito Brothers tried their hand at it:

Having tried these, wholly or in part, which version did you enjoy best?

Clint West _____

Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge _____

The Flying Burrito Brothers _____

Please cast your vote and make whatever comments you might want to make. 

And please visit other Battles of the Bands okay!


  1. I'm not familiar with this song, but give my vote to: Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge

  2. This is a new song to my ears. I love that Cajun sound in music though I wouldn't want to sit around listening to it all the time.

    I've always liked the Flying Burrito Brothers so the edge started in their favor. The other two versions were fine, but I liked the more uptempo sound of the Bros. and their vocals were more to my liking. Flying Burrito Bros. it is for me.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  3. A close call between Kris/Rita and the Flying Burrito Bros, but as my pre-listening bias was toward Kris Kristofferson, he and Ms Coolidge get my vote.

  4. You are into some real scholarship here! Love it, Angel Mon Ami

  5. Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge - I liked their graphics best.

  6. I like Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge best. Please give my vote to them.
    PS: I just added you to my BOTB list. I had prescheduled this post before I knew you were participating and failed to go in and add you to the list before publishing. :( That's fixed now...

    Michele at Angels Bark

  7. >>... By the way, I'm a Cajun from Louisiana.

    Did you really think you needed to tell us that? Heck, it comes through in everything you write!

    [Don't ask! I have NO IDEA what that really meant. It was a compliment though, of that much I'm sure.]

    I vote for RITA's!

    Huh? Oh. I can't vote for RITA's without voting for Kris's too?

    Then fuhgeddaboudit! I vote for THE FLYING QUESADILLA BROTHERS.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  8. I like The Flying Burrito Brothers version best!

  9. I've never heard this song before, but The Flying Burrito Brothers were the best, IMO.

  10. gotta say, i like f.b. best, the orig next, the duet last. :)

  11. The Flying Burrito Brothers get my vote!

  12. I don't understand why Clint West isn't getting any love in this battle!!!

    I liked his version much better than the others, but I can clearly see that voting for him is like voting for the Independent in a Presidential election.

    And, still, I gotta vote the way I see it. Make that hear it. Clint West takes one!

  13. I am not much for the country style and so Clint West did nothing for me. I give it to Kris and Rita because it sounded a bit more Folk than country if that makes sense plus I like the musical styling better

  14. The original is too country. I liked the FBB version best!

  15. I really wanted to like Kris and Rita; but of course they were just a bit too country for this bayou song. Same with The Burrito. Clint had more of what this song should be - but I really hope there is a more Cajun sound out there for it. Maybe Patty Lovelace . . .

    Clint gets my vote.

  16. Clint gets my vote too. Strange sideburns!
