Friday, April 22, 2016

Equality in Spring Break / Swimsuit Coverage

It's almost an annual thing for the media; much like those end-of-the-year lists or light items during the silly season. Each Spring it's time for them to avail themselves in that for sure readership or viewership elevation: pictures of college students relaxing, partying, or sunbathing on the beaches of warmer places. (Do they do Spring Break on Lake Huron or Cape Cod?) And 80% - 85% of the scenes feature girls in bikinis.

But I think it's high time to give us ladies equal viewing pleasure. How about at least parity by having at least half of the pictures featuring hot guys? Now that is something that a lot of us could go for.

Strangely enough, seems to be doing its part with their guy/gal quotient. But come on, other media forms, do your part too! Is this some kind of sex bias in editorial decisions that makes this unequivocal bias taking place? It seems that there is some sex bias even in the so-called progressive newspapers and staid conservative outlets. Both types do like to sugar coat their coverage of Spring Break by mimicking sounds of disapproval to satisfy the essential puritanism of their audiences, but we know where their hearts and minds are, don't we?

Maybe the ancestor of all of this emphasis on female bodies to the non-coverage of males' bods, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, should be persuaded into a swimsuit issue featuring both women and men wearing skimpy swimsuits or body paint. That would be a real giant step on the path to sexual equality! 

This is my 1000th post. It took me six years to do it!


  1. Happy 1000!

    But where did you get my picture?

  2. Congratulations Angel!!!! Now next time, display a somewhat less extreme hunk. That six pack is distracting! LOL

  3. Congrats on the milestone post, Angel!
    Keep writing.

  4. You have my congratulations too. You are an enjoyable worthwhile read!

  5. That lovely dude looks like the Alien critter might pop out of that gully between his abdominals. Yeah, I'm that know, the one who found fault with a guy who looked like THAT.

    Cherdo on the Flipside
    "Favorite Characters, Favorite Lines" on the A-to-Z Challenge 2016

  6. Thanks for your congrats, you all!

  7. Congrats on your 1000th post! That's a great milestone.

    And yes, I'm with ya on the Swimsuit Issue including hot men. Bring it on!!!

    Michele at Angels Bark

  8. Belated congratulations on your 1000th post! I, like so many others, really enjoy your blog and hope you keep going for another thousand or more posts! Well done!!
