Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Bird With the Sexy Dance

Different species of birds are characterized by sexual dimorphism in which males are larger, more colorful, or more brightly plumed than the females. Typically, females in those species choose whom to mate with, based on characteristics which presumably are associated with better genes. Thus, the peahen is biologically disposed to choose the peacock with more iridescent colors and larger tail displays; and this story goes on in other species.

With the splendid bird of paradise, a species found in New Guinea, the male has brighter plumage than the female; but he also knows how to use dancing to win a gal's heart. Here's the courtship dance of the splendid bird of paradise:

Isn't he a splendid mate? Apparently she thought not. Maybe there was something wrong with his colors, or moves, or impetuousness. Anyway, he looks crestfallen! Sorry, Big Dude.

Maybe he needs to follow the advice of the Contours and really learn to dance:


  1. i've seen these weird birds on videos before. amazing.

  2. We watched the peacocks shaking their tail feathers in the Dominican Republic.

  3. I think there are several bird species where the male has beautiful plums and dances for a mate. But so sad to be rejected!

  4. From head on, he seems a little creepy.

  5. How does he learn to dance? It seems he has only a few basic moves.

  6. Speaking as a pretty good ballroom dancer, I can tell you that it's a skill that definitely attracts females!

  7. Dance - Schmance - I crushed on the bird who cleans house. LOL

    By the way - I love the Contours' song. Wonder if I could feature it in BOTB? Do you plan on using it or did you stop doing battles???

  8. The BOP's ruff looks like a grimacing face to me. Maybe that's what put her off!

  9. Thanks for your comments, friends!

    Dixie@dcrelief, Please use the Contours' song. I will participate in future BOTBs.- Angel

  10. If I had to depend on dancing to get a mate....

  11. Most women learn early that guys give dancing a low priority.
