Monday, February 22, 2016

Kanye West in the News Again!

Kanye West has a remarkable ability to surf the faux news spectrum, with his antics and offhand remarks. Since he horned in on Taylor Swift's accepting a Grammy years ago, he has managed some startling examples of attention-seeking. Recently, he has declared that he would boycott the Grammys if he was not named for Best Album! Also, he seems never to have given up on Taylor: recently he was quoted in Rolling Stone as singing, "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/Why? I made that bitch famous/Goddamn, I made that bitch famous." Taylor shot him down at the Grammys in no uncertain terms, but in a classy way.

Dude! Aren't you still married and have two kids? Whoa! And calling women "bitch" is a turn-off, didn't your Mama tell you?  President Obama himself once commented "Kanye West is still a jackass." Even Donald Trump didn't merit that accolade yet! Don't you get the message?

Most recently he has claimed that he's $53 million dollars in the hole, and a GoFundMe Campaign has been inspired by his Twittering. He even claimed that "hedge fund billionaires" chipped into his funding! What's in it for those guys? .

Gee, is that all it takes? I remember a few years ago a young woman raised $5000 for breast augmentation surgery through her "Give Boobs" campaign on the internet; promising to send before and after pictures to all donators. Somehow, that sounded more effective than raising money by holding up a sign on a highway:


  1. Some people will do anything to get into the news. I saw a picture of him on Yahoo this morning sleeping in a chair with his daughter sleeping on a sofa in a furniture shop. Really? Who cares?

  2. Poor Kanye hasn't been getting enough attention recently.

    The gal offering pictures must not have heard about the internet.

  3. "Kanye West has a remarkable ability to surf the faux news spectrum, with his antics and offhand remarks. Since he horned in on Taylor Swift's accepting a Grammy years ago, he has managed some startling examples of attention-seeking."
    Professional grade opening sentences! And you ride that high level all the way through, Angel. It's a pleasure to know ya! [and read ya]

  4. I wondered what that weird whistling noise was, then I realized it was the wind blowing through Kanye West's head.

  5. Thankfully I don't know too much about him, but I did once read that he fancies himself as an intellectual. Maybe the meat in his head was getting overcooked. If he has the hots for Taylor, he must be hankering for a slim woman. His Kardashian wife should be very worried.
