Monday, July 27, 2015

"I Think We're Alone Now": Who Did It Best?

"I Think We're Alone Now" came out with several covers in different musical eras since it first came out in 1967.  Considering the theme in the song, and the sensitivities of some people looking for Ole Devil under beds and music stages, I'm surprised that there were not more objections to a song celebrating teens or tweens making out!

The original one was written by Ritchie Cordell and originally performed by Tommy James and the Shondells, a group out of Niles, Michigan.  This group scored a number of hits during the 1960's, including the odd Crimson and Clover.  Unfortunately, the You Tube music of it that I found was just a series of stills.

Here's Tiffany's version from 1987.  This one has a nice music video of her performing at a mall in Utah and other settings.  She should be considered the patron saint of mall rats.  She got a number one hit on Billboard and this was her most successful song:

And here's the Girls Aloud version from 2006, it's kind of glitzy and with a different arrangement:

Okay, what version of this song released at about equal intervals in the past do you like best, and which do you like least?  Please cast your vote below and, if you feel like it, why you voted that way.
I'll be away for about two weeks or so for a trip.  Also, I find it hard to find things for a humorous commentary and I don't want to fall back on old Boudreaux jokes.  I hope to return and post funny things or at least posts that don't suck. 


  1. Tiffany's version was the best. The Girls Aloud one was mediocre, except for the hot girls. Hot Girls Singing Mediocre Aloud.

  2. The original is the best. I didn't know anyone had covered this song.

  3. I like the original, too. And then there was the Weird Al Yankovic takeoff, "I Think I'm a Clone, Now."

  4. Have a fabulous time away...doing a bit of that myself. I vote for the first one, the original

  5. I like Tiffany's version best!

  6. I vote for the original as well. Enjoy your travels! Hope you find the inspiration you seek. And, for the record, your posts have never sucked.....


  7. Results so far:

    Tommy James and the Shondells -6
    Tiffany -3

    Thank you all! Bye now!

  8. Tommy James was my day and sounded MAGICAL & Psychedelic! Authentic to the era - not phony sounding like Hollywood approximations of the aural zeitgeist. What times, Angel! We thought we were changing the world, and I guess we DID!

  9. Gotta be Tiffany, girl! That mall-singing-to-top-gal should have had a lot more chart years.

  10. I always vote for the redhead - the orang-utan gene in humans never ceases to fascinate me. I've never heard an "old Boudreaux joke", so you're welcome to try them on me.
