Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Do It for the U.S.A.!

Denmark has a problem: it's birth rate has fallen; yet it wants to support a lot of social services. However, this short film proposed a fun solution for Danes. Perhaps this might also offer a long-term solution for America:

Here's how. The U.S, population experienced an unprecedented birth rate increase between 1946 and 1964. These are the Baby Boomers. And the Baby Boomers are getting older: The oldest of these boomers are 67 or 68; about age for retirement. And life expectancy is increasing. Therefore, the Social Security, health care, and corporate retirement plans should experience increased strains. (You can bet that Our Esteemed Elected Officials and high-level bureaucrats will float by this crisis with their own retirement packages.) 

Recently President Obama proposed funding the two years of community college by the government, based on what Tennessee (of all places) is now doing. However, Tennessee does not have the cash flow problems that the Federal government or certain blue states have. How is this going to be paid for? Well, they're banking that more people will go to community colleges (thus maybe ensuring Angel gets a job teaching them also) and acquire employable skills. That idea should pay off within a few years.

But we still need to consider the big picture. What will save us from the specter of the Baby Boomers is another baby boom, and quickly! Therefore, I propose that good Americans should consider it their social duty to make babies! For entirely utilitarian purposes, of course. So I tell you, fellow Americans: Do it for the U.S.A.! We need some more tax-payers for the future!

Now governments have tried to affect natality rates with bonuses and taxes. For example, Quebec paid proud parents of newborns up to $8000 per baby! The Soviet Union, predictably, taxed childlessness with a 6% income tax on childless men between 25 and 50, and childless married women between 20 and 45.

But Americans are still moved with a desire to act in prosocial ways. Therefore, as the PSA put it:

"Two, four, six, eight,
You got to fornicate!"


  1. Such a fun post this morning, Angel. Being of the described generation, I see many around me turning the page to enroll for medicare and social security. And we are mostly healthy, adventurous, etc. We are also spending money and paying taxes on all those special IRA accounts everyone thought we need to have. I love your video and programs. Can you start teaching them in college?

  2. Even zero population growth requires a certain amount of procreation. We did our part with two kids.

  3. Now that is a cool idea!

  4. Yes, if it positively affects the cash flow into government, they are quite likely to be pro-sex.

  5. Hey with automation and off-shoring there will be few jobs - so why have kids????

    Sorry to be a boomer. I thought we changed society for the better with our inventions, insights, social movements and such. Sad to know we are the first generation of seniors to so frankly be considered a burden......they spit at out bell bottoms and long hair, fought us over ending ' aint been easy taking gay rights from a sin or a laugh to a reality and like such.....

    grumble over, Angel. Please make things better than we left it. We were just cleaning up from the REAL polluters and despoilers of the environment, pure food and such: the 'Greatest' generation. They fought a war for 5 years and are considered demi-gods. We've been in a social war our whole lives. Your welcome for medical marijuana - or at least for not spending years in jail for a joint.......the internet.....give peace a chance.... source, creative commons...physicians without borders.....SEX DRUGS ROCK & ROLL.....

    rant over

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  6. I'm sure patriotic Americans will rise to the occasion!

  7. Cloudia, Baby Boomers have nothing to apologize for, in my opinion! They did a fine job and are still doing so. Yes, we have a way to go, but Democracy is a process and not a product.

    I intended this as satire, much like I think the Danish ad was using.

    Anyway.....Mmmm, Danish! Do you wonder whether Soren Kierkegaard ever had a cherry Danish?

  8. One day I'll be a burden; but living is about having fun!

  9. It's fascinating that the USSR had a tax on childless parents. I guess ZPG didn't go over well there.


  10. A great satire sure to offend the churchy.

  11. I have three children and six grandchildren, so I've already done my part ... but if my wife is game, so am I!
