Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A New Kind of Airline

Air passengers can take heart: Slut Airlines is now providing service between Washington or New York and the West Coast.  Instead of first class seating, it provides sleepers for those tiring transcontinental flights.  For those intrepid passengers, the airline offers an overnight stopover in Las Vegas with the complete package!  

Already it is rated highest for the 18 - 34 tear-old male demographic.  Unlike the no-frills Virgin Airlines, this new carrier really has customer satisfaction in hand in its operations and gives passengers a really great flight!

Let Slut Airlines fly you to where you really want to go, including selected west coast cities!


  1. Angel, people will be flocking to this airline. Seriously, someone needs to come up with something that is more "user friendly"!

  2. A great take off on Virgin Airlines!

  3. I started reading, got to Slut Airlines, and immediately wanted to buy a ticket.

  4. I can't wait to find out what the benefits of a first-class fare are.

  5. i've heard the hostesses dresses are so short you can almost see the cockpit

  6. "in hand?"

    You are dry and delightful!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3
