Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tasteless Cocktail Names

Just a minor rant from me:  having worked briefly as a mixologist I was amazed at the number of surprisingly vulgar cocktail names that have proliferated since the concept of mixed drink libations has become accepted.  Not just the coy ones, like the cutesy and revolting mix called 'Sex on the Beach,' or the 'Fuzzy Navel' or the 'Bosom Caresser," but out-and-out gross drink names!  Just go to this site and type in some smutty word in the search:

Here's an example of one that will not be named:

1 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur
2 oz Irish Cream 
6 oz milk

Pour the chambord, irish cream, and milk or cream into a shaker with ice. Shake, strain and pour into a champagne saucer.   Or, if you're lazy, serve it on the rocks.

Personally, I'd serve an ounce each of the two liqueurs on vanilla ice-cream.  And lose the dreadful name!  As a matter of fact, anyone who orders this by name deserves to have it poured over his misogynist head! 

Please be respectful to waitresses.



  1. I think it's a poor reflection on a cocktail lounge that would offer such fare!

  2. I could never order these or utter them and I have a mouth of a sailor. That's why I just drink Tanqueray gin straight up chilled with a couple of olives. Not offensive and damn yummy!

  3. "Screwdriver" is about as dirty as I can handle.

  4. I guess mixed drink #952 isn't descriptive enough.

  5. I have found that many drinks are only one-time affairs. SOTB and pina coladas are examples. Plus that vile concoction the Cuba Libra (AKA rum and Coke)

  6. I also dont get it with this names... I mean.. what the heck with this cocktails? Its like a competition who can invent a dirtier name for their cocktails

  7. The worst drink I ever tried was gin and grape juice.

  8. Bourbon, neat.
    I'd have to have a few before I'd be rude enough to order one of those other drinks.

  9. It sounds like a tasty drink, for such an unfortunate name.

  10. You just can't go wrong with a good old gin and tonic with plenty of lime and/or a sprig of rosemary. And moving away from the topic of revolting cocktail names, the Arby's sandwich chain used to have a delicious hot ham and cheese sandwich called the "Yumbo." I could never bring myself to order it by name ... I always asked for the "hot ham and cheese sandwich," and when they asked if I meant the "Yumbo," I just nodded.
