Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Time at the Beach

I took a few days off down at 30A, the Rosemary Beach - Seagrove area in Florida.   It is near Panama City, but  is more leisurely and less party-oriented than P.C.  No, it's not tacky.  The prime recreational activity involves taking leisurely strolls on the sand.  The water is too cold to swim in; but wading in is okay until your toes get too cold.  Many visitors dress beach-style in swimsuits or shorts, but possibly might accessorize with a windbreaker.  We stayed in a upstairs room above a carriage house.

This outing was quiet, romantic place for relaxation, rather than rowdy. Rowdy is okay, but tiring.  What's it like in a off-season coastal town?  It's quiet, serene, and less expensive.  And less fashion-conscious.  A cup of coffee and a chocolate pie or ice cream is the afternoon delight.


Well, maybe not that much . . . . Later, after returning to the grindstone, I had some flu virus that kept me inactive upon returning.  I'll post something more extended when I'm at full speed.


  1. It sounds like a nice place to zen out on viewing water. I hope you will feel better soon.

  2. I think she's going to need more lubricant.

  3. I'm more of a mountain guy than a beach guy, so I'll take your word for the pleasures of the off-season coastal town. Good to have you back, and I hope you get over the creeping crud soon.

  4. the 'jiggle' sign made me laugh. the place sounds relaxing in the off-season!

  5. I like N. Fla too; but especially around the part nearest to Pensacola. FWB is sort of rundown.

    Glad it was a good trip.

  6. Meredith -- Thank you for the good wishes.

    Heidi -- I hope it was not over the top.

    TexWisGirl -- I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Elvis -- You're thinking of the Florabama?

    ilbo -- Mountains are nice too. 30A is a little far from Fairfax Co.

    Mike -- I think so too. Meditation will carry you only so far.
