Friday, November 2, 2012

Another Shameful Form of Prejudice and Discrimination

While things are by no means perfect, there is a collective sense that openly expressed racial or ethnic prejudices are socially unacceptable, and the expressor confers upon himself or herself some modicum of social pariahdom.  Still, there seems to be some forms of linguistic preferences that at times devolve into prejudices: consider certain regional accents or dialects such as the Southern or New York urban accents!  In fact, there is a type of speech most often seen in television newscasters: it's as if they all had come from Iowa or Upstate Illinois (but not Chicago).  Some accents or dialects are exaggerated for mirth purposes, like the Southern accent or Valspeak, the dialect of the Valley Girls!

I guess some accents are dialects are of lower status than others.

But it has become increasingly obvious that a dialect that has not been previously identified as being a target of prejudice is Administrativespeak, the dialect that is indigenous to academe and to the managerial class in corporations.

Oddly enough politicians, another discriminated against group, often tries to use Administrativespeak, but their attempts are routinely dismissed as p.c. because their's is a pallid version of the original, lively real deal.

It is truly time for all good Americans to recognize the existence of, and fight the scourge that is bias against Administrativespeak.  After all, speaking plainly might not be such a virtue after all.  Look at Shelton on The Big Bang Theory!

I call on all Americans to open up their hearts and minds to the native speakers of Administrativespeak, to cherish their speech as a variant on American English, and to not grin or roll your eyes whenever a speaker uses words or phrases such as these:

incorporate a new dialectic
celebrate our similarities and differences
embrace (when implying agreement and not involving bodily contact)
task force
mission statement
percussive maintenance
game plan
challenges (what the unlightened refer to as problems)
oblique problem-solving strategies

Who knows, perhaps some of this dialect's terms may be incorporated into Standard English someday as our intrinsic prejudices against the theory class abate.


  1. I stand chastened! I will no longer groan when people use this dialect. I can be p.c. on this one.

  2. If we stop using Administrativespeak, large segments of the population will be struck dumb. Well, dumber than usual, anyhow.

  3. I will try but it is not an idea that I will embrace easily
