Monday, June 4, 2012

Family Size

Since the 1970's the ideal family size has declined, leading to a lowered birth rate eventually.  At one time having four of more children was regarded as desirable; however since that time the most often-cited preferred number is two or three.

This leads to an interesting set of assumptions make when it comes to larger families; namely that the parents had so many children because they were bound by religion not to practice birth control or because they were too dumb or inept to do so.  And in the smooth outspoken style of the Oughts (both decade and prescriptive), these assumers let their dubious thoughts known.  As the youngest of five children, I have been told by nonfamily members that I was surely unplanned!  Beyond nervy, I must admit. 

[I am not about to ask my parents; and I have never had any indication that I was unwanted.]  So if I get a little testy about people mouthing off about Catholic families and who was obviously unplanned, that is why!

Anyway, some people like having many children, and desire large families.  Maybe those nosy people need to tend their own gardens.


  1. Very good point. Many people supinely assume thast everyone wants just two children.

    1. Most people definitely do; and they're quite willing to share their tastes and opinions.

  2. In the past, family size was often driven by the need to grow staff to operate the family farm. I am the oldest of four siblings, and I had three children of my own...who have since produced five grandchildren (with a sixth on the way). Too large a family (however one defines the number) nowadays is probably not a good idea, particularly if the parents are both working and unable to give the children the love and attention they need.

    1. I read where the proportionate cost of rearing a child to maturity for a family has increased; and fewer families need the readymade labor of children to make a farm grow. Excellent point!

  3. Midwestern farm families seem to have more children. Having too many children may require too many familial resources, as it costs to rear each child.

  4. People that make remarks like that aren't high in sensitivity!

  5. Very interesting data. Perhaps the two-child household is not all too standard. I'm sure that some parents desire and enjoy multiple children. Having you as a daughter would delight most mothers or fathers!

  6. Having three children, properly spaced, is what I would like.
