Monday, September 12, 2011


It seemed far-fetched at first, but apparently there are a small number of people that get bothered about yoga. They see it as some esoteric religion; and regard the mantra Om or the greeting Namaste with suspicion. The fact is, most people who are into yoga treat it as an exercise, and that's that. For them, it's not a religion; never was for them. In fact, sitting in the half lotus position, breathing regularly, and chanting Om is a great way to clear the mind and gain relaxation. Who should find fault with that?  Likewise, I fail to see any catastrophe being caused by people becoming more supple and toned.

It may be that some Fundies are hypersensitive to things that are unfamiliar to them. It's true: there is an element of comfort in the commonplace. But it goes beyond that. If it's beyond their range of experience, there is an automatic departure into suspicion.

The world must, to them, be a dark and scary place. Actually, it's not just the Fundies. Fear of The Other is a common human failing on both sides of the political spectrum.

It's true that sometimes there are monsters out there such as Osama bin-Laden; but there's no need to manufacture more.

By the way, namaste is a departing gesture given in respect to the other person: it's a recognition of the divine within another.  Why should this be troublesome?  For those that might be troubled by it, I suggest some typical male-oriented substitute, such as "How about them Dawgs" or "Hook 'em Horns"!


  1. Or "Have a wicked weekend."

  2. They teach a variant locally called 'Christian yoga' in which they refer to the 'pray position.'

  3. I don't understand why anyone has a problem with yoga. Sure, he has big, pointy, hairy ears and talks with weird grammar, but I have old country Hungarian relatives like that, anyway. Go figure.

  4. Why should anyone have a problem with yoga? Granted, he has pointed, hairy ears and questionable grammar, but then, so do many eastern European grandfathers. Go figure.
