Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amorous Angel

This illustration is by Mihaly Zichy, a Hungarian artist.  It definitely fits into the academic art type of tradtion.  I find it charming.

The possibility of an amorous relationship between a mortal and a numinous being has been an occasional theme in both classical and vernacular media; the fact of its forbidden nature may well serve to piquant it further.  As long as the relationship the two have is Platonic, there is no problem; but when it lapses into the erotic, then that hidden boundary of decorum is breached.  And, what forces would be unleashed?  Are they akin to the eating of the Edenic apple?  Or is this another way of obtaining the Promethean fire?

Surely their having a prolonged deep kiss would result in no harm . . . .

I found a certain poetry and romanticism in this work.  I hope you enjoy it.